亚洲内部贸易的增长。  (按Sylodium, 全球 进口出口 目录中)。

Asian economies have now a greater interdependency (54.1 percent in 2011) , but intra Asia trade is still much lower than that intra trade of Europe. 

Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia's dependency surpassed 65 percent in 2011 but China has less dependency on its Asian neighbors. For example, though 9.3 percent of India's foreign trade is conducted with China, China's trade with India only accounted for 2 percent of its total trade, something similar ( although lesser extend) happens with Sino-Japanese trade.  

The negotiating China- South Korea - Japan FTA  and regional comprehensive economic partnership will suppose a new momentum in Asian economies' integration. 

In Sylodium (国际贸易,目录) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities (and countries) around the world you desire, like 雅加达(印度尼西亚) - 曼谷(泰国)。吉隆坡(马来西亚) - 马尼拉(菲律宾)。新德里(印度) - 北京(中国)。东京(日本) - 首尔(韩国)....

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